On the end of the year

Where have you been, where are you going.

I can’t do right now. All my energy has shifted towards observation. Feeling my connective tissue stretching, like the sound of sheets in the morning light.

The in between places. So frustrating or exhilarating, depending how you look at it. The flip coin of expectations and excitement.

Wishing everyone a happy solstice, or a happy whichever holidays bring more meaning into your life.

May old and new ideas marinate in dark skies and glowing lights.

6 thoughts on “On the end of the year

    1. Yeah, it’s definitely a wtf happened kinda year. I’m still grateful though, I really feel like I got to experience my own strength in ways I couldn’t have anticipated or planned. I’m just looking forward to taking that into a new year!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I so agree. The steps you have made recently have been so strong, so forceful. I want to see more of that next year. I’m dealing with some stuff that I’m hoping will gradually let loose torrents of pent up emotions some day. I’m not planning on stopping but it kind of makes me sad that the audience for blogging doesn’t seem to be there as much as it was two years ago, when I was at a personal highpoint. Not purely for stats, but in terms of blogging community. Every month I seem to see more people dropping out and I don’t understand really.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh the torrents, I so hear you. I also hear you on the subject of blog audience, but I can’t help but think that this is asking us to be true to our word and true to our original intention to express ourselves. Like we’re being called to stand for values more than success. Say it and meant it. Because at the end of the day, that’s what’s counts.


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